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We are committed to protecting your privacy and security. When you shop on PerfumeUSA.com, your security and confidentiality are 100% guaranteed. Your personal information is used to process your order and PerfumeUSA.com will not share or trade the information you have provided to us online with a third party, unless you have previously authorized it. All transactions are 100% safe and secure. The order details are encrypted with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) by Shopify, the industry standard. To check our security with shopify, just click on the logo to the right. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and practices, please contact us.


All orders and personal information are protected at PerfumeUSA according to industry standards.

Your information is confidential

All information you submit is kept for internal use only for the purpose of serving you better. None of your personal information will be shared with third parties or external companies. All policies and procedures are applied by PerfumeUSA in order to protect the privacy of our customers.